Foundations: An Undergraduate Journal in History

Foundations is now accepting submissions. All papers must meet the following criteria:

• Must have been written while pursuing an undergraduate degree. Papers written as an undergraduate may be submitted until two years past the month of graduation.

• International submissions are accepted but all submissions must be written in English.

• Must have a historical theme (includes anthropology, art history, classics, economics, political science, etc.)

• Must be unpublished.

• Must employ primary sources.

• Must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, doublespaced, and titled.

• Must be between 12 and 60 pages, not including endnotes.

Please submit all papers as e-mail attachments along with an abstract no longer than 100 words in Microsoft Word document format to All papers are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the academic year and the summer. Authors are kindly requested to provide the following data in the body of the e-mail, not in the manuscript: name, school attended, graduation year, and e-mail address.

Foundations is an international academic undergraduate history journal published biannually. Visit for more information.

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