College Republicans – Field Representative

Get paid to be a College Republican! The College Republican National Committee (CRNC) is in the process of hiring 60 full-time field representatives for Operation Red November 2012, the largest field program in our organization’s history and the largest program of its kind targeting young Republican voters in the United States.

A field representative gets paid to recruit, train, mobilize and engage college students in support of Republican candidates, policies and principles.  Specific tasks include recruiting on college campuses, signing up volunteers, and organizing College Republican phone banks and neighborhood walk operations designed to identify Republican voters and get them to the polls on Election Day.

Essentially, field representatives promote and organize the participation of young conservatives in Republican campaigns.

Why should I do this?  The position is one of the most sought after political jobs in the country, with state-of-the-art training and an opportunity to develop a nationwide network of contacts. Many former field representatives are currently working in think tanks, consulting firms, Congressional offices, national Republican committees (i.e. Republican National Committee, etc.), state Republican parties (North Carolina Republican Party, etc.), and many other conservative and Republican organizations across the country. In short, this position has a history of opening the door to the world of politics for its participants.

Other benefits include:

  • Launch a career in politics by earning very valuable grassroots organizing and campaign experience that political employers are looking for;
  • Meet thousands of new people, including potential employers;
  • Work in a fast paced environment during an exciting time to be a Republican;
  • Doing something new everyday – there is no “typical” day;
  • Possibility for job referrals and references; and
  • Most transportation, cell phone, and miscellaneous expenses will be covered by the College Republican National Committee.

Location, Location, Location… The states Operation Red November will target are being determined by the national CRNC leadership team right now and final decisions will be made soon. Each field representative will be deployed to one highly competitive battleground state where young Republican voters will make a real on-the-ground difference for GOP candidates.

Each field representative will be assigned one region of one state (Ex: Western Ohio). A field representative will do the lion’s share of his or her work in their assigned region. Due to the nature of the program, participation will likely require extensive travel and temporary relocation for up to three months.

Tell me about the training… Field representatives will receive cutting-edge grassroots and get-out-the-vote training that will equip them with the tools they need to successfully recruit, train, mobilize and engage college students in support of Republican candidates, policies and principles in 2012. The week long training will be held in Washington D.C. in early August. Travel and lodging expenses will be paid by the College Republican National Committee.

Let’s talk dollars and cents… Contract pay for field representatives is typically $1,600 per month for the duration of the program depending on the quality of the applicant. Each field representative will also be reimbursed on a monthly basis for up to $2,000 in lodging expenses, $750 in gas and travel expenses, $300 in miscellaneous materials expenses and $75 in cell phone expenses. Relatively large bonuses have also been given in the past to field representatives who have met or exceeded their goals.

How Can You Apply For This Amazing Experience? If you are qualified and interested in either job posted here, please email resume and cover letter directly to Regional Political Director Travis Holler at


Thank you,

Travis Holler,

Regional Political Director

College Republican National Committee


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