Bain & Company at WU

We are looking to recruit strong candidates from Wash U this fall, and would like all students whose interests may overlap with a Bain career to be aware of our upcoming events and to find out more about what life is like at Bain. Our recruiting calendar for Juniors and Seniors is included at the bottom of this message. I have also included a brief description of what someone right out of undergrad can expect to do at Bain during their first three years, as well as an overview of Bain.

Bain & Company is a top-tier strategic consulting firm and will be interviewing seniors for the 2013 Associate Consultant class and Juniors for this summer’s Associate Consultant Intern program.  We are seeking students who have exceptional scholastic records, strong interpersonal skills, and active, diverse interests.   We do not require a business background. Instead, we look to hire smart, well-rounded people from a variety of backgrounds interested in problem solving. Historically, a majority of new ACs have come to Bain with non-business educations.

We provide nationally renowned global training to all new hires in order to provide them with the necessary tools to succeed at Bain. Additionally, we offer the possibility of MBA sponsorship after a few years with the firm. Associate Consultants (and Associate Consultant Interns) are integral members of case teams that work with multinational corporations to improve operating results and to achieve significant increases in the market values of their companies. Case teams work on intense, strategic problems such as determining new markets to enter, helping make acquisition decisions, manufacturing cost reduction efforts, and market strategy studies for new products. At Bain, we say no two days are the same, and everyone at Bain is exposed to a wide variety of problems that need to be solved.

Through a broad range of experiences, the Associate Consultant position offers individuals the opportunity to develop superior analytic skills, a sound business sense, establish a diverse and selective network, as well as achieve a great career trajectory.  Associate Consultants use data driven analysis and direct client contact to promote change and add value. We hope to see you at our events

Upcoming dates:

• Meet the Firms: September 18, 4:00 pm

• Career fair: September 19, 3:00 pm

• “Ace the Case” introduction to the interview process: September 27, 6:00 pm

• Associate Consultant resume drop deadline: September 29 by 11:59 pm via CareerLink and

• Associate Consultant Intern resume drop deadline: November 15 by 11:59 pm via CareerLink and

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