Call for Abstracts – Univ. of IL Springfield Social Sciences Research Symposium

Undergraduate and graduate students in fields related to the arts, humanities, and social sciences are encouraged to submit abstracts of their best work. The research symposium is intended to give students the opportunity to showcase their individual research and writing projects across disciplinary lines.

Students can choose between oral or poster presentations. Awards are given out in each category.

Applicants are required to submit an abstract of approximately 250 words and a registration form.

For more information on the research symposium or to register, please visit or contact Amanda Dahlquist at

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Cornell International Affairs Review

The Cornell International Affairs Review will launch an exciting new project in January 2011 – a newsblog to discuss global events – and we need your help. We will utilize the best of academia and its students in a unique approach that will push students, so often excluded from the conversation of international affairs, to the front. We’re looking for undergraduate and graduate students that have opinions about anything from Japanese politics to German economics and everything in between.

CIAR is unique among collegiate publications in that it encourages students to voice their thoughts about global affairs. Now we’re taking this approach online, so we’re searching for writers willing to articulate their ideas at a minimal commitment of twice monthly. For us, the blog is part of our greater mission to broadcast student knowledge about foreign affairs; for you, it’s the ultimate opportunity to express your opinions and gain experience in the crowded political arena.

This is a project that, to our knowledge, has not yet been attempted by any university, but why not? No one person or university can fully understand the world – it’s a collaborative process!

To see if you’re a fit for our team, please direct your mock blog post (less than 400 words please!) about whatever you like and any questions to Jacob Baker at by Monday, December 20th.

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HSC Health Research Assistants

The Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC) in Washington, D.C. is seeking Health Research Assistants to participate in research on how the health system is changing and the effects of these changes on cost, quality, access, and service delivery. HSC is actively recruiting during the winter and spring of 2011 for positions that begin in the summer and fall of 2011.


Health Research Assistants participate in all phases of the research process. General duties include performing literature searches and reviews; gathering a wide variety of health-related information by telephone, Internet searches and other means; participating in the writing of analysis plans; and preparing the results of research for presentation and publication. Other duties may include project management and proposal writing.

Research Assistants will be assigned primarily to qualitative research projects. They will participate in planning, scheduling, and conducting site visits and telephone interviews, and will contribute to qualitative data analysis and the writing of reports and journal articles.

Some Research Assistants with quantitative backgrounds will spend part of their time working on quantitative projects, where they will use a variety of quantitative data sets, will work with programmers to generate data for analysis, and will assist senior research staff in analyzing the data results and writing reports and journal articles. They also may do some programming using SPSS, SAS or STATA, and assist in managing quantitative data sets.


• Bachelor’s degree with excellent academic record

• Coursework in economics, public policy, health policy, or social sciences

• Strong organizational skills and attention to detail; ability to work well independently and with others

• Excellent written and oral communication skills

• Strong computer skills (including proficiency in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Access)

• Coursework in econometrics or statistics and experience using statistical software packages (SPSS, SAS or STATA) desired for Research Assistants working on quantitative projects

About the Center for Studying Health System Change

Founded in 1995, the Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC) is a nationally renowned nonpartisan health policy research organization focused on the cost, quality and accessibility of health care in the United States. HSC conducts quantitative research using large national data sets, including surveys of households and physicians, and qualitative research using information gathered in telephone and in-person interviews of public- and private-sector decision makers. We focus on objective, timely and policy-relevant research and disseminate our findings to policy makers, the news media, employers, health care providers, insurers and the public. HSC is funded from diverse sources, including major health care foundations and agencies in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HSC is affiliated with Mathematica Policy Research, a leader in evaluating the effectiveness of local, state and federal health, human services and educational programs. For more information about HSC, please visit our Web site: http:///

The Center for Studying Health System Change offers a supportive and collegial working environment, a competitive salary commensurate with your qualifications and comprehensive benefits. To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, transcript, writing sample and contact information for three references via our employment web-site:


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Stanford Law Fellows, Summer 2011

Several Stanford law professors are seeking full-time research fellows to begin work in the summer of 2011. This is a unique opportunity for your students to participate in groundbreaking research in law and social science. This experience is especially valuable for students interested indoing graduate work in quantitative social science (e.g., economics, political science, public policy, finance, computer science, or statistics) or in attending law school with a background in social science, and a great chance to develop advanced skills with programming languages. We are currently accepting applications on a rolling basis.

For more information:

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Job Opportunity at the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies

The Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies is seeking an individual to assist with our outreach endeavors and our writing, editing and research projects. The position entails helping to develop our position papers, academic articles and  op-eds, and helping to communicate our message to elected officials, media, and the public at large. The chosen candidate will work directly with director Amitai Etzioni.

The candidate should possess the ability to work independently and should have strong writing and editing skills. Experience and/or background in communications, public relations, or working for student publications, and interest in political theory, international relations, political science, or ethics is preferred. Salary is commensurate with qualifications. Tuition remission at The George Washington University may be available. The George Washington University is an Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

How to apply:

Please submit application materials through The George Washington University’s Career Portal ( by doing a search for posting number 0602303. Direct link:

No phone calls or paper applications, please.

If you experience technical difficulties, please contact us at

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Van Jones Speaks at WU

Assembly Series Lecture (November 30)–Van Jones

Presented by Green Action and the Wash U Law School

Van Jones, a prominent civil rights and environmental activist and former adviser to President Obama, will be speaking in Graham Chapel on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 12 noon. In a speech entitled “Beyond Green Jobs: The Next American Economy,” Mr. Jones will discuss the role that green jobs can play in alleviating economic and social injustices, as well as climate change. At a time of high unemployment rates across the nation, and particularly in St. Louis, Mr. Jones will deliver a unique solution that bridges the alleged gap between economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Mr. Jones, who served as Special Advisor for Green Jobs in the Obama administration, is currently a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, a Senior Policy Advisor at Green for All, and a Distinguished Visiting Fellow in the Princeton University Center for African American Studies and in the Program in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy.

Check out a sneak preview here:

We hope to see you there!

-Green Action

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Columbia University’s Journal of Politics & Society



Columbia University’s Journal of Politics & Society, published by the Helvidius Group, invites you to submit your class papers and theses for consideration for our 2011 edition. The Editorial Board is seeking submissions from UNDERGRADUATES (class of 2010 or later) in colleges and universities across the nation. Individuals who graduated in 2010 may submit work they completed as undergraduates.

The deadline for the Spring 2011 Journal is January 5th, 2011.

In 2007, the Journal became the first commercially distributed undergraduate periodical in the nation. The 2011 edition will be distributed among academics worldwide and sold in Barnes & Noble and Borders bookstores.

In addition, the Journal of Politics & Society will award the Peter and Katherine Tomassi Prize of $250 to the author of the best article, as judged by the Editorial Board in conjunction with faculty at Columbia University.

The Journal of Politics & Society is seeking original, creative, and rigorous articles including, but not limited to:

– Research on current economic, political, and sociological phenomena;

– Normative scholarship analyzing important theories on political philosophies.

Students from ALL SOCIAL SCIENCE DISCIPLINES are encouraged to submit their work.

There is no absolute length requirement, but published articles are typically originally 20 50 pages in length (double-spaced). Papers selected for publication undergo an intensive peer review and editing process, and work previously written for classroom or individual use is welcomed.

Please send all general inquiries and manuscripts to:

For submissions, please use Microsoft Word (.doc) format and include “[2011 Submission]” in the subject field of your email.

For further details, please visit us at:

Thank you and good luck!

The 22nd Editorial Board

The Helvidius Group

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Inner-City Teaching Corps (ICTC) Recruitment

My name is Pat Dwyer, and I work for the Inner-City Teaching Corps (ICTC).  I’d like to tell you about our program in hopes that you might be interested in applying!

ICTC is a program of the Alain Locke Initiative, based in Chicago.  At the Alain Locke Initiative we believe that closing the achievement gap in urban schools is the civil rights issue of our time.  In order to address this critical issue, we need new educational leaders who will work to make positive change in our education system.  We at the Alain Locke Initiative are committed to energizing urban schools with these educational leaders of today and tomorrow. Becoming an ICTC teacher gives you, the leaders of tomorrow, the chance to have the greatest possible impact for students, who all deserve a high-quality education.

If you do have an interest in impacting urban education, then ICTC is the program for you.  As an ICTC corps member, you commit to teach in Chicago’s high-needs urban schools for two years, during which you will receive certification and training at Northwestern’s top-ten School of Education. While these two years are extremely challenging both personally and professionally, the one-on-one support of our teacher development staff will enable you to navigate the challenges and become an outstanding educator.  Upon completion of your two year commitment, you will have the opportunity to continue your leadership development through participation in other programs of the Alain Locke Initiative.

ICTC offers two paths through which you as a recent college grad can begin your career as a high-impact teacher. The first option is for you to live in faith-based community with other corps members, teaching mostly in Chicago’s Catholic schools.  The second option is for you to live independently and teach in mostly public or charter schools.  If you are committed to doing work that matters, that challenges you, and that gives you the chance to develop as a leader, then I hope you’ll consider applying.

I encourage you to check out our website to learn more:  You will also find a link to download a copy of our application there.  We have our early application deadline coming up soon, so check us out today!

I would love to answer any questions you have or talk about our application process.  You can reply to this message or email our recruiter at  We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Take care,

Pat Dwyer

Assistant Director for Teacher Support Programming
Inner-City Teaching Corps
A program of the Alain Locke Initiative
300 N. Elizabeth Street, Suite 300C
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 491-9100 x215
(312) 491-9102 fax
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Salsa for Casa, hosted by Sigma Iota Rho

I would like to welcome you to SALSA FOR CASA, hosted by Sigma Iota Rho, the International Studies honorary society. There will be DELICIOUS CUBAN FOOD and SALSA DANCING FROM WUSAUCE!  Plus it’s a great way to learn more about poverty in Ecuador.  The event will be held on THURSDAY, DEC 2 @ 6pm in Rebstock 215.

Tickets will be available @ the DUC on Nov 30 and Dec 1 from 11am to 2pm for $5, or you can get them at the door for $6. We will donate all of the profits to UN TECHO PARA MI PAIS, an Ecuadorean non-profit organization that helps the homeless. Don’t miss this guaranteed fun for a great cause!


Sigma Iota Rho

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Foundations: An Undergraduate Journal in History

Foundations is now accepting submissions. All papers must meet the following criteria:

• Must have been written while pursuing an undergraduate degree. Papers written as an undergraduate may be submitted until two years past the month of graduation.

• International submissions are accepted but all submissions must be written in English.

• Must have a historical theme (includes anthropology, art history, classics, economics, political science, etc.)

• Must be unpublished.

• Must employ primary sources.

• Must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, doublespaced, and titled.

• Must be between 12 and 60 pages, not including endnotes.

Please submit all papers as e-mail attachments along with an abstract no longer than 100 words in Microsoft Word document format to All papers are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the academic year and the summer. Authors are kindly requested to provide the following data in the body of the e-mail, not in the manuscript: name, school attended, graduation year, and e-mail address.

Foundations is an international academic undergraduate history journal published biannually. Visit for more information.

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