International Environmental Conference

I am contacting you on behalf of Washington University Students for International Collaboration on the Envrionment (WUSICE), a student-directed organization that aims to facilitate interaction and dialogue between American and Chinese undergraduates on major environmental issues, in order to empower students to be the roots of US-China collaboration.  From 4 November to 9 November 2010, WUSICE will host the first-ever US-China Undergraduate Conference on Climate Change and Sustainability at Washington University in St. Louis. At this Conference, twenty-two outstanding undergraduates from Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University in Shanghai, China will have the opportunity to complete a Joint-Student Collaborative Project and participate in Mock COP16, a simulation of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference. The Conference will feature a wide range of speakers from distinguished professors at Washington University to an officer at the China Consulate in Chicago. Our objective is to provide an interdisciplinary approach to the issue of climate change and to demonstrate the significance of transnational, cross-cultural collaboration.

I am contacting you as Director of the Political Science Department to ask you to notify the undergraduates in your department about the opportunity to be one of the 11 United States delegates at the WUSICE US-China Undergraduate Conference on Climate Change and Sustainability and to pass along the Application attached to this email. The eleven students from Fudan University have already been selected, and they not only excel academically, but also have a strong desire to learn from American students. This openness to understanding and negotiating multiple perspectives is a key characteristic of all potential applicants. Because the Chinese students come from a wide range of academic backgrounds such as business, chemistry, biology, psychology, computer science, history, political science, and English, WUSICE feels it is integral that the Washington University delegates also represent many academic disciplines. Although knowledge of environmental issues is recommended, any student who has the drive, energy, commitment, and openness to tackle the greatest problems facing our generation would be an ideal applicant. WUSICE strongly believes that interdisciplinary and international collaboration are essential for the creation of real solutions.

Please contact or with any questions or concerns. You may also view our website at I thank you for your support and consideration.

On behalf of WUSICE,

Summer Jiakun Zhao
WUSICE president

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Undergraduate Fellows in HDW


I’m writing to you as department chairs or directors of undergraduate studies to advertise a humanities research opportunity in the Humanities Digital Workshop (in A&S Computing). Apologies if I’ve sent this to you by mistake; if I have, I’d be grateful if you’d send this along to someone who could forward it to your undergraduates.

Full details on the fellowship are here

& the precis is that we’re looking for students to work with faculty on the digital humanities projects supported by the Humanities Digital Workshop (HDW), a faculty support service for such projects in Arts & Sciences. Some of the projects on the table are Professor Loewenstein’s (English) new edition of the complete works of Edmund Spenser, Professor Early’s (English, AFAS) and Professor Dowd’s (AmCS, Sam Fox) Race and Children’s Literature of the Gilded Age, Professor Macdonald’s (Music) electronic thematic catalog of the works of Georges Bizet, and two
projects by Professors Tatlock & Erlin (German) on 19C German novels.

Most fellows work 5 hours per work, & are paid $10/hr. I’d be happy to talk further with any interested students.

Thank you,

Perry Trolard

Perry Trolard

Assistant Director

Humanities Digital Workshop

Arts & Sciences Computing

Washington University in Saint Louis

Campus Box 1160

One Brookings Drive

Saint Louis MO 63130

(314) 935-8806

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New Energy Leaders Project

Americans for Energy Leadership — one of the nation’s foremost energy policy think tanks and advocacy groups led by young people — is seeking applicants for the New Energy Leaders Project, an initiative to empower young thought leaders and help redefine the national energy and economic agenda.
What: Selective program for young leaders to engage in high-level readings, writing, research, and discussion at the intersection of energy, economic, and national security policy.
Why: The previous clean energy and climate agenda has collapsed, and the United States needs a new generation of thought leaders to challenge conventional wisdom and reshape the next agenda.
Who: Graduate students, undergrads, and young professionals
Positions: Policy Fellows, Featured Columnists, and Contributors
When: October 2010 – February 2011
Deadline for applications is October 1st, 2010
Full description and instructions are attached and available online:

All applicants should have strong skills in writing and critical analysis, and have experience or education related to public policy and energy-related issues.  Applicants should  appreciate the role of government investment to drive innovation and economic competitiveness, especially in clean energy, and understand the limits of conventional environmentalism and market ideology.  Additional skills and experience such as political organizing and other relevant areas will be considered.

Policy Fellow: Policy Fellows will engage in independent and original research to produce an individual or group report on energy innovation policy, in addition to related research memos.   These reports will be published and publicly released by Americans for Energy Leadership, and potentially co-authored with other think tanks.  Policy Fellows with research management experience will have the option of recruiting research fellows to aid with their project.   They will have the opportunity to contribute periodic articles to the website as well.  Applicants should work well independently, have some background in energy and economic issues, and have research experience related to policy.  Applicants who have previously co-authored policy-related reports are preferred.   Graduate students, young professionals, and upper-class undergraduates will be prioritized.

Featured Columnist: Featured Columnists will write op-eds and news commentary for the homepage, with opportunities for publishing and cross-posting in significant outlets.   Columnists will write a 500-1,000 word article at least once every two weeks, including independent and suggested topics.  These pieces will be generally consistent with AEL’s approach, and columnists with work on editing with AEL staff.  Featured columnists will also be expected to help edit the writing of their colleagues.  Applicants should have significant writing experience, preferably as a columnist, editor, reporter, or blogger.   Applicants with a background in energy and policy-related issues will be prioritized.

Contributor: Contributors will receive a contributor account to write for the general AEL blog, with opportunities for featured writing on the homepage.  Contributors are expected to write news commentary or op-eds for the blog at least once per month, and to engage in online discussion.  Applicants should have relevant experience in writing, policy, and energy.
For more information, contact Daniel Goldfarb at

Daniel GoldfarbAmericans for Energy Leadership | Program DirectorWashington University in St. Louis | 2010dgoldfarb@leadenergy.orgleadenergy.orgCell: 310-927-4248 | Office: 202-609-7236

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Deloitte Consulting

My name is Spencer Powell.  I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2008 and am now a consultant for Deloitte Consulting.  I am also leading our effort to develop our relationship with Arts and Sciences faculty so that they can help us identify qualified and interested students.  Traditionally, our recruiting efforts have focused on the Olin Business School, but now we are looking to improve our Arts & Sciences recruiting efforts.
Why is a consulting company interested in Arts and Sciences students?
Although management consulting is typically thought of as a career for business students, WUSTL Arts & Sciences students have a history of being very successful with us.  As an Arts & Sciences major myself (political science and economics), I can testify to the fit that a consulting career can be for an Arts & Sciences student’s skills and career goals.  A strong analytical mind and work ethic is much more important to success than business experience and the management skills learned at a top tier consulting firm are applicable to any future endeavor.
Why do we want your help?
We have found that the biggest hurdle to Arts & Sciences students’ success in the interview process has nothing to do with business experience, it is a lack of information about what consulting is, when interviews happens, and what needs to be done to prepare for them.  The interview process begins very quickly in the fall semester.  Resumes must be submitted in the last week in September and interviews are during the first week in October.  Students in the business school are aware of this timeline and ready to jump in to the process head first at the beginning of the semester.  Making sure students understand how quickly they must get involved at the beginning the of fall semester is critical to their chances of success.
What can you do to help?
We want your help identifying students that might be interested in management consulting.  These are intelligent, driven, hard working students who are looking for a challenging job opportunity.  Connecting these students with us can allow us provide them with the information that they need to get involved in time.  We know that you’re very busy, but if you could:
1. Pass along the names of quality students that you think might be interested in a career in consulting
2. Forward this e-mail to faculty in your department that typically develop mentoring relationships with undergraduate students
3. Please let me know if you would like to find out any more information about consulting, Deloitte, or what else you can do to help us connect with Arts and Sciences students
Thank you for your time,
Spencer Powell
Spencer Powell
Deloitte Consulting LLP | Strategy & Operations
Tel: 1 703 251 1577 | Mobile: 585 261 0948 | Fax: 1 703 894 9583
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