Tufts Undergraduate Journal of International Affairs

Hemispheres: The Tufts Journal of International Affairs

The Tufts Undergraduate Journal of International Affairs, one of the oldest undergraduate journals in the field, is now accepting submissions relating to this year’s theme of Transitions and Regime Change.  Submissions should be research articles, approx. 5000-8000 words, written by undergraduates in a broad range of fields relevant to international affairs. To view paper requirements and guidelines, please visit http://ase.tufts.edu/hemispheres/submission.html. To submit a paper, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact hemispheres@tufts.edu <mailto:hemispheres@tufts.edu>.

Submission Deadline: January 24, 2012.

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Journal of Politics & Society Seeks Undergraduate Papers


Columbia University’s Journal of Politics & Society, published by the Helvidius Group, invites you to submit your class papers and theses for consideration for our Spring 2012 edition. The Editorial Board is seeking submissions from UNDERGRADUATES (class of 2011 or later) in colleges and universities across the nation. Individuals who graduated in the Spring of 2011 may submit work they completed as undergraduates.

The deadline for the Spring 2012 Journal is December 19th , 2011.

In 2007, the  Journal  became the first commercially distributed undergraduate periodical in the nation. The 2012 Spring edition will be distributed among academics worldwide and sold in Barnes & Noble and Borders bookstores.

In addition, the Journal of Politics & Society will award the Peter and Katherine Tomassi Prize of $250 to the author of the best article, as judged by the Editorial Board in conjunction with faculty at Columbia University.

The  Journal of Politics & Society is seeking original, creative, and rigorous articles including, but not limited to:

– Research on current economic, political, and sociological phenomena;

– Normative scholarship analyzing important theories on political philosophies.

Students from *ALL SOCIAL SCIENCE DISCIPLINES *are encouraged to submit their work.

There is no absolute length requirement, but published articles are typically originally 20­50 pages in length (double-spaced). Papers selected for publication undergo an intensive peer review and editing process, and work previously written for classroom or individual use is welcomed.

Please send all general inquiries and manuscripts to:

helvidius@columbia.edu <mailto:helvidius@columbia.edu>

For submissions, please use Microsoft Word (.doc) format and include “[2012 Spring Submission]” in the subject field of your email.


For further details, please visit us at:

www.helvidius.org <http://www.helvidius.org/>

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Missouri Democrats Internship Program

An internship with the Missouri Democratic Party is a great way to
get an insiders view of Missouri politics. Whether trying to decide
if you would like to pursue a career in politics, or just want to try
something new, an internship with MDP is a networking opportunity
and a way to gain first-­hand experience.

Interns at MDP are asked to take on a role with more responsibility than a volunteer. Interns are expected to commit 10-­‐15 hours per week to the party,
totaling 192 hours per semester. They are required to attend meetings,
trainings, service events and other MDP related activities.   Interns
are also expected to take leadership roles in projects requiring volunteer

The MDP runs on the work of its volunteers.  Without a strong group
of capable volunteers, the party would not be able to accomplish
its goals of statewide outreach and accommodation to Democrats.
Interns are an integral part of interacting with these volunteers
and activists.

The MDP maintains a business casual work environment.
Interns are required to dress and act accordingly. The
majority of contact that MDP has with the public is through
phone calls and walk-­‐ins. In particular, interns must act
professional and accommodating to any callers or guests
who visit the office.

Intern Duties at MDP include but not limited to:
1. Basic office functions such as answering phones, data
2. Answer calls and receive guests when they enter.
3. Answer any questions from volunteers and other guests
as they arise.
4. Participate in grassroots efforts, such as phone banks,
canvasses, voter registration drives.
5. Attend and assist staff on any meetings, trainings, projects or
service events.
6. Any other requests for special projects from MDP staff.

The MDP is an equal opportunity employer and does not
discriminate in any personnel policies.  We are committed to
providing equal opportunities to all employees, applicants,
and contractors.  No person shall be subjected to
discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, sex, color,
national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation.  As
an equal opportunity employer, it is the policy of the MDP
headquarters to comply with all federal, state, and local laws
that prohibit discrimination in employment.  We will be
proactive in ensuring fair and equitable practices with regard
to the employment and promotion of minority and women-­‐owned

To apply, please email your résumé to Jack Coatar at

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Senior Thesis Proposal Deadline


The due date for Senior Thesis Proposals is Monday, April 2, 2012.  You may pick up the required Thesis Proposal cover form from me (Seigle 270) during my office hours, Monday-Friday between 1:00 and 3:00 PM.  If you have any questions about Thesis Proposals, please see Dr. Alfred Darnell.

Freshmen or Sophomores who would like to learn more about the political science Senior Thesis Program may pick up a brochure in our Main Office (Seigle 207), or schedule an appointment with me at http://my.timedriver.com/XYZWK.

Ingrid Anderson

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blueEnergy Spring Break Internships

Interested in renewable energy applications for the developing world? Curious about real-world applications for the information you’re learning in school?

Join us for a week-long immersion program in Nicaragua and learn first-hand the successes and challenges of renewable energy implementation in a developing context!

blueEnergy will be hosting week-long immersion programs over Spring Break for students interested in renewable energy applications. Participants will work with fellow students from across the country, exploring the topic of renewable energy within the Nicaraguan landscape. Have the experience of a lifetime while participating in blueEnergy’s renewable energy program!

blueEnergy is an international non-profit that connects the unserved to clean water, energy, and other basic services to give people the opportunity to improve their own lives. For more information on our work, please visit our website, www.blueEnergygroup.org.

Program Overview: This one-week immersion program explores different applications of renewable energy technologies in developing countries. Looking particularly at the Nicaraguan context, participants will explore first-hand the successes and challenges of successfully implementing sustainable development projects with renewable energy at the national and local level in Nicaragua. Topics such as effective technology transfer and adaptability, community development, infrastructure design and planning, and the economics and financing behind renewable energy projects will be addressed. Case studies will be presented on rural electrification, appropriate design technologies, and micro-enterprises utilizing renewable energy. Participants will also gain insight into the workings of Nicaragua’s largest renewable energy association, Renovables, and will have the opportunity to meet and work with some of the association’s leading member organizations.

The week-long program will also provide workshop experience. Working with one of Renovables member organizations, participants will gain hands-on experience in the construction and implementation of a renewable energy technology. Participants will also have the opportunity to work on a research project of their choosing1. Research topics will be developed in collaboration with blueEnergy personnel to ensure participants address topics that interest him/her. Example research topics include, but are not limited to the following: development of offshore wind in Nicaragua, rural electrification for development, renewable energy technology transfers to rural communities, and financing renewable energy projects for rural household use and adaptation.

The immersion program also affords time for participants to explore the rich Nicaraguan culture and learn about the complex history of this fascinating country. Cultural outings, including authentic dinners, working for a more equitable, sustainable world city tours of Managua and trips to the Nicaraguan Pacific Coast will be incorporated into the program’s weekly agenda.

Dates of Trips: March 11th-17th OR March 25th-31st

Cost: Fees are $1,600 for the 1-week program. The program fee pays for a high quality experience and covers room, board, internet, laundry, emergency medical insurance, and project-based travel. In addition, a portion of your program fee supports the local projects you’ll be working on. International airfare and domestic airfare are not covered and are the responsibility of the participant.

Questions or Interested in Applying?

Contact Emily Castello at Emily.Castello@blueEnergygroup.org


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Research Opportunities in the Department

The following professors, organized by field, are in need of undergraduate research assistants.  Contact them directly if you are interested in becoming a research assistant.

Comparative Politics

Professors Margit Tavits and Guillermo Rosas are working on a joint project about the effect of economic inequality on political competition.  They can use help with organizing, cleaning, and managing data.  You can contact them at  tavits@wustl.edu and  grosas@wustl.edu

American Politics

Professor Melanie Springer specializes in American Politics and Quantitative Methods. Her teaching and research interests include voting and elections, American political development, state politics and policymaking, and political institutions.  You can contact her at mspringer@wustl.edu

Professor Jacob Montgomery studies American politics and quantitative methods.  You can contact him at jacob.montgomery@wustl.edu

International Relations

Professor Nathan Jensen’s research interests are international political economy (international finance, international economic institutions, international trade), comparative political economy (economic reform, federalism) and international relations (civil conflict, international relations theory).  You can contact him at njensen@wustl.edu

Political Methodology

Professor Jeff Gill’s major areas of research and interest include Political Methodology, American Politics, Statistical Computing, Research Methods, and Public Administration. He is looking for undergraduates to work on an NSF project involving statistical models of terrorism.  You can contact him at jgill@artsci.wustl.edu

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Accepting Submissions for Columbia Undergraduate Law Review

Dear Fellow Student:

The Columbia Undergraduate Law Review (CULR), a journal of undergraduate legal scholarship based at Columbia University in the City of New York, is currently accepting submissions for its Fall 2011 issue.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, October 21, 2011 at 11:59pm, but we encourage you to submit before then. In recognition of the various paths undergraduate students may take to study law, we welcome the submission of research articles, senior theses, as well as essays embracing a wide range of topics and viewpoints related to the field of law. Thus, undergraduate students in any major, track, or class year should feel free to submit their work. To view past journals or read more about CULR, visit us online at http://culr.weebly.com/.

Submissions should be in Microsoft Word (.doc) format, double-spaced, and Chicago style and should include endnotes. Although we will consider submissions of just about any length, most papers published in the journal range from 20 to 25 pages. It would be greatly appreciated if longer papers could be shortened to accommodate this recommendation prior to submission. In the document, please also include the following information:

1) Your name
2) Current email address and telephone number
3) Undergraduate college/university
4) Class year
5) Title for the submission
6) 250-word abstract

Kindly email submissions to culrsubmissions@gmail.com.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at rk2656@columbia.edu or at (310) 729-5180.


Robert Kalonian, Editor
Columbia Undergraduate Law Review
(310) 729-5180

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Global development summit

I am writing on behalf of the U8, a global network that connects students and institutions from around the world to discuss international development issues (www.u8development.org).

We are a non-profit organisation that has been running since 2005 and has previously brought students from across Europe, South and Central Asia, Africa as well as Central America together to discuss development issues with the desire to engage policy makers and the media. Our summits in Warwick and Cambridge brought the student voice to the attention of governments and the world’s media, including the Guardian and the Hindu.

In 2011 we are undertaking our most ambitious projects to date and would love for students from the Washington University in St. Louis to be part of this. We already have universities from all over the world who are going to participate, including the prestigious universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard. This November we will be hosting a global online summit that will connect students from all around the world for a weekend of truly inclusive discussion. Student groups from more developed countries will be twinned with those from less developed countries, giving members the chance to gain a exciting and honest first-hand perspective on life in developing countries, donor countries and the public opinion in each towards the other.

We would like interested students to set up a U8 group at your University. We are a non-profit organisation and therefore our services are completely free. For any students who are interested, we will provide extensive support to help create a U8 group at your university.

This is a really exciting time for students to link with the U8 and join our network of universities!

If you would like to see the geographic extent of our network at the moment, please visit:

Please could you forward this message on to any students or student societies/organizations that you feel may be interested in joining the U8 global network or starting a U8 group?  If you would like more information about what the U8 is, how a U8 group works or what the Summit will involve then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Daniel Waldron
U8 Connecting Students Around the World

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Government & Public Policy Career Days

Do you want to explore a new possible field? Are you interested in learning more about work in politics or the government? The Gephardt Institute for Public Service and the Career Center are sponsoring the annual Government and Public Policy Career days on Tuesday, September 27th and Wednesday, September 28th. Events include Lunch with a Pro featuring the Corporation for National Community Service (CNCS), a panel discussion with the CIA, the CNCS, and Monsanto.

There will also be dedicated Information Session with the CIA. On Wednesday explore political career paths with speakers from Congress and students with political internship experience. The “Finding and Applying to Federal Internships and Jobs” event will provide tips on searching, applying for these types of internships and positions.

For more information please see Career Link or contact Gephardtinstitute@wustl.edu.

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Learn About Study Abroad & WU in Shanghai*

Are you:

– Thinking about studying abroad?

– Curious about politics and business in China?

– Interested in learning and working in Shanghai?

If so, come listen to Prof. Letty Chen discuss the WU Program in Shanghai* next week in the Department of Political Science.  Prof. Chen will discuss the Program, the accomodations and courses that are available for WU students, and application procedures.  Dr. Ingrid Anderson will be on hand also to answer any questions you might have about incorporating this Program–or any others–into your political science major/minor requirements.

Feel free to bring your friends–the meeting is open to all undergraduate students!

Where: Seigle 248 (Political Science Conference Room)

When: Wednesday, September 28th at Noon

* no language training required for Spring or Fall sessions

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