Foreign Affairs Internship

Each year, Foreign Affairs looks for an outstanding person to join our editorial team as an intern during the academic year. We offer exceptional training in serious journalism, providing our academic-year intern with substantial responsibility as an assistant editor. The academic-year intern evaluates manuscripts, edits them for content and style, checks facts, conducts research, proofreads articles, and does production work. This is a full-time, paid position.

We are looking for a bright, talented person with a facility with the English language, a flair for writing, and a serious interest in world politics. Previous interns have included recent graduates from undergraduate and master’s programs. Publishing or journalism experience is an asset.

For more information about the intern position, please go to:

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Ralph Bunche Summer Institute

The American Political Science Association is accepting applications for the 2011 Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)

Applications must be postmarked by February 1, 2011.

The RBSI Program, under the direction of Dr. Paula McClain of Duke University, will be held at Duke University June 5 – July 7, 2011.

The Ralph Bunche Summer Institute is a 5-week, academically intensive summer program designed to simulate the graduate school experience, provide mentoring, and expand academic opportunities. The Ralph Bunche Summer Institute targets students from racial/ethnic groups that are significantly underrepresented in science in the United  States, e.g. African American, Latino/a, Native American, and Pacific Island students. All students who are members of these groups, or who are interested in broadening participation in political science by students from underrepresented minority populations and pursuing scholarship on issues affecting under-represented groups, are eligible to apply.

Applications: 2011 RBSI Applications and additional eligibility requirements can be found online at

Questions: Please direct any questions about the program to Shaunda Ragland,, or call 202-483-2512.

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Economic Development Internship

The Sonoma County Economic Development Board Program Development Internship provides recent college graduates with a remarkable opportunity to gain practical experience and make substantive contributions in program development, policy analysis, project management, and research in the field of economic development.

Each year, the Sonoma County Economic Development Board offers five one-year paid internships that run from approximately July 15, 2011 to June 30, 2012. Each intern will be assigned to an area or program of focus: Tourism Research, Green Business Program, Workforce and Youth Development, Business Environmental Alliance, and Economic Research, based on qualifications and interest. Students with backgrounds in economics, political science, public policy, or liberal arts who have research and report experience are particularly encouraged to apply; applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree by the start of the position. In addition to research responsibilities, each intern will coordinate advisory groups comprised of leaders from local businesses, government agencies, and community groups and will assist in the development and management of innovative countywide programs and events. During the year-long program, interns develop project management and other professional skills while working under minimal oversight to make important and lasting contributions to the economic development of Sonoma County.

The application deadline is February 25, 2011.  Additional information on the Economic Development Board (EDB) is available at

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Colette Thomas at or (707) 565-7170.

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Intern Opportunities with Phyllis Schlafly

Students with skills and interests in writing, graphic or web design, video and audio editing, political science, non-profit management, and marketing are welcome to apply!

Mrs. Schlafly started the Eagle Forum in 1972 and opened the Eagle Forum Education Center in Saint Louis, MO in 1993, which is a non-profit branch of Eagle Forum. The Education Center is also the home of an amazing archive of Phyllis Schlafly’s and other conservatives’ work. Some interns will have the opportunity to help with the archival process of America’s conservative past.

Blake Bachman,

EF Collegians Director


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Job Announcement: Students needed to conduct research on European political parties

Responsibilities: Collect primary and secondary data on political parties in Europe to determine their positions on a few key political issues (i.e., independence, EU integration and left-right ideology) and the strategies they employ to achieve their goals (i.e., violence/non-violence).  The countries included in this project are as follows: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Switzerland.

Skills: The ideal candidate(s) for this position is attentive to details, thorough, responsible, and willing to commit about 10-15 hrs./month to the project. Only students with GPAs of 3.6 or above will be considered for this position. Basic reading competence in the primary language(s) of one or more of the aforementioned countries is a plus, but not a requirement.

To apply for this position, contact Prof. Dawn Brancati,, with the words “RA Position” in the subject line.  Attach an unofficial copy of your transcript and indicate which of the aforementioned countries you are most interesting in researching. If you have any special language or regional expertise, indicate this in the email as well.  Only interview candidates will be contacted. You do not need to be work-study eligible to apply.

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Strobe Talbott Address

On Monday, Feb 7, at 4:00 in Whittaker Hall Strobe Talbott, the current president of the Brookings Institution, will be making a major address titled “Angels of Our Nature: Polarization in America and Its Challenges for Universities and Think Tanks.”

“Angels of Our Nature: Polarization in America and Its Challenges for Universities and Think Tanks”
4 p.m., February 7, 2011 Whitaker Auditorium

In Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address, given to a country fiercely divided over the institution of slavery, he pleads for reconciliation, saying: “We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” Talbott, statesman, author, and Brookings Institution president, sees that kind of wrenching polarization happening again in our country, and in this presentation he will explore the role that America’s scholarly institutions can play in summoning our better angels of our nature.

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Important information for ALL thesis writers and prospective thesis writers

Thesis writers,
As you finalize your course schedule for this term, please keep in mind the following, and remember that if you wish to graduate with latin honors you must write a thesis.

*Current sophomores: This is important — next year (AY 2011/12) Professor Brancati will be on leave and WILL NOT be offering PS 495: Research Design and Methods.  As you may know, this class is required of all thesis writers.  If you are a current sophomore and plan on writing a thesis you MUST take Professor Darnell’s course PS 3263: Intro to Research Design during the fall semester of your junior year.  This class will only be offered during the fall semester of the 2011/12 academic year, so please plan accordingly.

*Current juniors: If you are not abroad this semester and are writing a thesis, then you are currently enrolled in Prof. Brancati’s course.  Prof. Brancati is setting the deadline for your thesis prospectus, which is due sometime in early March.  If you are studying abroad this semester and writing a thesis, then you have already turned your prospectus in to the department.

*Current seniors: Dean Harrison has given you the dates on which the various drafts of your thesis will be due.  One important date to keep in mind is February 11, on which the draft of your thesis to be send out to readers will be due.

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Inner-City Teaching Corps Application Deadline – 1/20/11

Attention Students:  Application Deadline for the Inner-City Teaching Corps is January 20th!

The Inner-City Teaching Corps (ICTC), a program of the Alain Locke Initiative, is an elite group of future leaders who commit to teaching in Chicago’s urban schools for two years.  Corps members obtain their certification in collaboration with Northwestern University while working with other master educators to develop the skills needed to be leaders within their schools.  Living either independently or in a faith-based community, Corps members receive support both from one another and from experienced ICTC coaches and staff.  Corps members provide the high quality instruction that energizes schools and closes the achievement gap, opening opportunities for all students regardless of income level.  Participation in ICTC puts participants on the fast-track to educational leadership, with preferred access to the Alain Locke Fellows and Accelerate New School Leadership Program.  The Inner-City Teaching Corps is where the high-impact educational leaders of tomorrow begin.  To learn more, visit or e-mail Jim Conti at  Applications are due Thursday, January 20th and can be found at

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Columbia Undergraduate Law Review, Call for Submissions

The Columbia Undergraduate Law Review, a journal of undergraduate legal scholarship based at Columbia University in the City of New York, is accepting submissions for its Spring 2011 issue. The deadline for submissions is Monday, January 31, 2011 at 11:59 p.m., but we encourage you to submit well before that deadline. In recognition of the various paths undergraduates may take to study law, we welcome submission of research articles, senior theses, and essays embracing a wide range of topics and viewpoints related to the field of law. Undergraduate students in any major, track, or class year should thus feel free to send us their work. Check out to view past journals or to read our mission statement.

Submissions should be double-spaced in Microsoft Word .doc format, follow the Chicago style, and include endnotes. Although we will consider submissions of any length, most papers published in the journal range from 20 to 25 pages. It would be highly appreciated if longer papers could be shortened to fit this page length recommendation before submission. In the document please also include the following information:

1) Your name
2) Current email address and phone number
3) Undergraduate college/university
4) Class year
5) Title
6) 250-word abstract
7) Short explanation of when and why paper was initially written

Because of the collaborative nature of our peer review editing process, all members of the editorial board read all submissions to the journal. Kindly forward submissions to my email address,, so that I may pass them on to the board. Please do not hesitate to contact me at this address with any questions or concerns.

Leena Charlton
Editorial Board Member, Columbia Undergraduate Law Review

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ICPSR Summer Internship Program

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), the world’s largest archive of digital social science data, is now accepting applications for its annual summer internship program. ICPSR is a unit within the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. ICPSR’s data are the foundation for thousands of research articles, reports, and books. Findings from these data are put to use by scholars, policy analysts, policy makers, the media, and the public.

Interns spend ten weeks from June 7 – August 13, 2011, at ICPSR (Ann Arbor, Michigan), during which they will:

  • Work in small groups and with faculty mentors to complete research projects resulting in conference-ready posters
  • Gain experience using statistical programs such as SAS, SPSS, and Stata to check data, working in both UNIX and Windows environments
  • Attend courses in the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research
  • Participate in a weekly Lunch and Lecture series that covers topics related to social science research and professional development.

$3,000 – $5000* stipend, room and partial-board in university housing, and a scholarship covering the cost of fees, texts, and materials for coursework in the ICPSR Summer Program.

For more information:

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), the world’s largest archive of digital social science data, is now accepting applications for its annual summer internship program. ICPSR is a unit within the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. ICPSR’s data are the foundation for thousands of research articles, reports, and books. Findings from these data are put to use by scholars, policy analysts, policy makers, the media, and the public.

Interns spend ten weeks from June 7 – August 13, 2011, at ICPSR (Ann Arbor, Michigan), during which they will:

· Work in small groups and with faculty mentors to complete research projects resulting in conference-ready posters

· Gain experience using statistical programs such as SAS, SPSS, and Stata to check data, working in both UNIX and Windows environments

· Attend courses in the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research

· Participate in a weekly Lunch and Lecture series that covers topics related to social science research and professional development.

$3,000 – $5000* stipend, room and partial-board in university housing, and a scholarship covering the cost of fees, texts, and materials for coursework in the ICPSR Summer Program.

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