Undergraduate Fellows in HDW


I’m writing to you as department chairs or directors of undergraduate studies to advertise a humanities research opportunity in the Humanities Digital Workshop (in A&S Computing). Apologies if I’ve sent this to you by mistake; if I have, I’d be grateful if you’d send this along to someone who could forward it to your undergraduates.

Full details on the fellowship are here


& the precis is that we’re looking for students to work with faculty on the digital humanities projects supported by the Humanities Digital Workshop (HDW), a faculty support service for such projects in Arts & Sciences. Some of the projects on the table are Professor Loewenstein’s (English) new edition of the complete works of Edmund Spenser, Professor Early’s (English, AFAS) and Professor Dowd’s (AmCS, Sam Fox) Race and Children’s Literature of the Gilded Age, Professor Macdonald’s (Music) electronic thematic catalog of the works of Georges Bizet, and two
projects by Professors Tatlock & Erlin (German) on 19C German novels.

Most fellows work 5 hours per work, & are paid $10/hr. I’d be happy to talk further with any interested students.

Thank you,

Perry Trolard

Perry Trolard

Assistant Director

Humanities Digital Workshop

Arts & Sciences Computing

Washington University in Saint Louis

Campus Box 1160

One Brookings Drive

Saint Louis MO 63130

(314) 935-8806

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